Journal of Current Trends in Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability (JCTAES) (ISSN:3066-5566)
Journal of Current Trends in Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability (ISSN:3066-5566) is a peer-reviewed open access international Journal that focuses on all aspects of agriculture, environmental issues, and sustainability. The journal publishes high-quality research articles that explore innovative and cutting-edge advancements in these fields. It serves as a valuable platform for agricultural engineers, scientists, teachers, and professionals to exchange knowledge and contribute to the ongoing development and sustainability of agriculture.
Journal of Current Trends in Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability (ISSN:3066-5566) welcomes a wide range of submissions, including Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini Reviews, Rapid Communication, Opinions, and Editorials. Our journal provides a platform for Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Agricultural Genomics, Agronomy, Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation, Biological Professors, Business Entrepreneurs, Chemical Engineers, Chemical Industries, Dairy Science, Ecologists, Environmental Academia's, Environmental Engineers, Faculty of Health and Science, Fish and fisheries, Forestry, Freshwater Science, Irrigation Companies & Industries, Pesticide Science, Physiology and Morphology, Poultry Science, Recycling Industries, Recycling Researchers, Research Scientists, Research Scholars and students, Scientists and Professors of Recycling & Waste management, Soil Science, Systematic Biology, Fruit production and Waste Management Associations to share their findings. We encourage authors to choose the format that best suits their research and communication objectives to effectively disseminate their findings.
All articles published in Journal of Current Trends in Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability are freely and permanently accessible online, ensuring immediate availability to readers worldwide. We believe in removing subscription charges and registration barriers, allowing unrestricted access to valuable research and fostering the global dissemination of knowledge.
Topics encompass a wide range and are not limited to the following:
Advanced crop production
Animal anatomy and physiology
Animal nutrition
Animal reproduction
Applied plant pathology
Crop and pasture
Crop scouting
Dairy cattle management
Environment and culture
Finance and business management
Genetic and microbiology
Industry issues and products
Machinery and equipment
Organic farming
Precision agriculture and data handling
Seed and grain quality
Soil science and soil management
Vegetable production and management
Waste management
Waste management of agro products
Weed and pesticide
Editorial Board
Dr. Idress Hamad Attitalla
Professor Omar Al-Mukhtar University Faculty of Science, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Technology (Dean), Libya
Dr. Dayong Gao
ORIGINCELL Endowed Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Center for Cryo-Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Organs at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Dr. MD. Azizul Moqsud
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Vipul K. Singh
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine Houston Methodist Research Institute, Texas, USA
Dr. Monique Mancuso
Researcher at the Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnology (IRBIM) – CNR., Italy.
Dr. Jesus Simal-Gandara
Food Science Lab. Analytical Chemistry and Food Science Dep. Food Science and Technology Fac. University of Vigo – Ourense Campus, Ourense, Spain
Dr. Viroj Wiwanitkit MD
Professor Faculty of Medicine, Hainan Medical University, China
Dr. Zakaria Fouad Fawzy Hassan
Professor – National Research Centre-Egypt, Assessor – Egyptian Accreditation Council Head of Youth Scientific Research Association “Former”, Egypt
Dr. Akbar Nikkhah
Faculty, Chief Highly Distinguished Professor & Scientist, and Ruminant Production Specialist & Nutritionist, Ferdows Pars Agri-Livestock Holding Co., Mostazafan Foundation, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Nagham Mahmood Aljamali
Professor in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry College of Education, Iraq
Dr. Massoud Kaykhaii
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran
Dr. Mohamed Azmi Hassali
Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Guide For Authors
The Journal of Current Trends in Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability (ISSN:3066-5566) welcomes manuscript submissions for publication, adhering to the guidelines for the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Journals. We encourage authors to follow these guidelines while preparing their manuscripts for submission.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be original and not published or under consideration elsewhere. The acceptance of manuscripts is based on the recommendations of referees. Published papers become the exclusive property of Clinical Research and are subject to journal copyright.
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Research papers published in both electronic and print versions are freely accessible for viewing, copying, and printing by individual academicians and researchers. We believe in open access to knowledge and encourage widespread dissemination of research findings to foster collaboration and progress in the academic community.
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This manuscript presents original work that has not been published, in whole or in part, in any print or electronic media. It is also not under consideration for publication elsewhere, except as an abstract in conference proceedings.
Authors designated for this manuscript must fulfill the following criteria:
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be organized into the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results/Observations, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figures, and Legends. All manuscripts must be written in English and pages should be numbered consecutively, starting from the title page.
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If manuscripts have already been submitted via email, there is no need to send hard copies by mail.
Title Page:
The title page of the manuscript should include the full title, author(s) names, affiliation(s) with the institute where the work was conducted, running title, and contact details of the corresponding author. Additionally, include 3-8 keywords that highlight the main themes of the manuscript.
The abstract should provide a concise summary within a limit of 250 words. It should be written in complete sentences and present factual information to provide a comprehensive overview of the study.
Units of measurement should adhere to the prescribed abbreviations listed below: For other abbreviations and symbols, please refer to the recommended guidelines on units, symbols, and abbreviations provided in "A Guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors (The Royal Society of Medicine London 1977)."
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At the end of the manuscript, include a comprehensive list of all references cited in the text. The referencing style should follow the Vancouver agreement. References should be numbered sequentially based on their first mention in the text, identified by Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all cited references, ensuring the inclusion of all authors.
Tables should not be submitted as photographs or scanned documents. Number the tables consecutively based on their first mention in the text and provide a concise title for each table. Tables should be typed on separate sheets, and any explanatory details should be placed as footnotes. Use short or abbreviated headings for each column.
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Reprints can be purchased upon request. To order reprints, please submit the request along with the corrected galley proofs. Please note that reprints are not provided free of charge. The Reprint Order Form and Price List will be included with the galley proofs.
Typically, two experienced referees from our panel review submitted manuscripts. Contributors may suggest three qualified reviewers who are knowledgeable in the subject matter of the manuscript. However, these reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institution(s) as the contributors and should not have co-published manuscripts with the contributors in the past 10 years.
For experiments involving human subjects, please state whether the procedures adhered to the ethical standards set by the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised in 2000. Avoid using patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. In the case of experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution's or a national research council's guidelines or any relevant national laws on the care and use of laboratory animals were followed.
Articles Inpress
Research Article
Net Zero through Circular Economy: Insights From the Billund Biorefinery and the Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis
Christian Hald-Mortensen
PDFResearch Article
Youth Engagement in Eco-Poetry for Enhancing Climate Change Education in Nigeria
Benjamin Anabaraonye*, Usang N Onnoghen, Nzemeka C Olisah, Beatrice O Ewa, Emma A Nwobu
PDFResearch Article
Towards Net Zero Cities: A Review of Best Practices and Prioritized Investment Areas
Christian Hald-Mortensen
PDFCurrent Issue
Research Article
Multi-stakeholder Platform as a Tool for Information Sharing and Innovation Adoption in Avocado Farming
Simon C. Kipchumba Rop
PDFResearch Article
Impact of Soil Amendment on the Mechanical Strength Properties of Tomato Fruits
Uguru H, Akwenuke M.O and Akpenyi-Aboh O.N
PDFResearch Article
Rural Farm Management Decision for Climate Change Adaptation among Farm-families in Onitsha Agricultural Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria
Chikaire J.U
PDFResearch Article
Effects of Covid-19 Lockdown on Rural Farmers and Farming Activities in Aguata Agricultural Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria
Chikaire, J.U
PDFResearch Article
Awareness and Usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Farmers in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Ebisike Chiazoka*, Fadiji Taiye Oduntan and Sennuga Samson Olayemi
PDFResearch Article
Particulate Matter Capture of Plants used as Shelterbelts Around a Poultry Farm
Marife B. Anunciado, Sheryll B. Jerez*, Hans Williams and Joey Bray
Review Article
The Impact of Sequencing Human Genome on the Evolution of Life on Earth
A. Hameed Khan
PDFResearch Article
Potential for improving sorghum productivity and quality by organic – bio and mineral fertilizers under soil lands conditions
Dr. Manal Mohamed Adel
PDFResearch Article
Biophysical Characterization of Mima Model Water Shade of the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia: A baseline Tool for Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Dereje Mosissa*, Dejene Reda and Melak Agajie
PDFResearch Article
Opportunities and Challenges in Irrigation Practices and Agricultural productivity scenario in Nepal: A Review
Dak Bahadur Khadka
PDFResearch Article
Assessment of the Constraints Associated with the Processing of Paddy Rice: A Case Study of Smallholder Farmers in Gwagwalada, Abuja
Sennuga Samson Olayemi*, Adeniran Blessing Temitope and Olorunniyi Abraham Ayo