Articles Inpress
Short Communication
Interleukin-6 Inhibitors in Treating Severe COVID-19
Dr. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn* and Ruangrong Cheepsattayakorn
PDFShort Communication
Corona Virus Containment Response: A Massive Public Health Ethics Failure
Dr. Eugene J Koprowski
PDFResearch Article
Epidemiology, Virology, Pathogenesis and Treatment of Novel COVID-19
Farouk S. Nas, Muhammad Ali*, Lurwan Mu’azu and Muhammad S. Abdallah
PDFReview Article
A Review on in vitro and Clinical Studies Published on Remdesivir After COVID-19 Outbreak
Drashti Patel and Bappaditya Chatterjee*
PDFResearch Article
COVID-19 infection: The risk of a coagulation disorder is lower in children than in adults
Aysel Simon FLORESCU, Niculae ION NEDELCU, Emanoil CESUSU, Petre Iacob CALISTRU, Magdalena GEORGE and David VAN THIEL*
PDFResearch Article
The use of the public domain to investigate the populations perceptions and responses to publically identified behaviors designed to limit COVID-19 virus infection: A telephone survey of individuals d
Aysel Simin FLORESCU, Niculae ION NEDELCU, Emanoil CEAUSU, Petre Iacob CALISTRU, Magdalena GEORGE and David H VAN THIEL*